Greta Thunberg. Protect, Restore, Fund. #NatureNow | The Naturist Page

I’ve mentioned what I’m about to say in the past, already before. It has been my favorite quote since the beginning of my pages and my blog. Not sure what I’m talking about? Allow me to refresh your memory.

“Naturism is to be close to nature and attentive to natural elements. For ourselves and for those around us the way nature and life was intended.”

That been said, Naturism isn’t only about promoting body freedom and respect of ones’ self and of others. It’s also about being in tune with nature and everything around us. That includes our climate. Just as Greta’s video below explains. It’s important that we protect our planet for generations to come; so that they can enjoy it as much as we do now today.

Too many people have the following mindset and it’s only going to make matters worse. “Ohh, It’s not going to happen in my lifetime, who cares” or “Ohh, It won’t happen for a long time, why should I care now”. That train of thought is what’s going to make this planet uninhabitable… fast. Moreover, big corps and governments are the worse for this. They don’t care about the planet as much as they should. Do you want to know why? Because as long as they have the money rolling in to their bank accounts, they don’t care of the repercussions or the effect it will make on the environment. They will continue to destroy the forests, oceans, the land and digging up oil to burn fossil fuels.

As a Naturist and having a passion to be intune with Nature. We’re not going to have a nature to be intune with at the rate the planet is deteriorating. As we continue to remove trees, grass to make huge cities, making roads, highways and large parking lots that in my own opinion… only 40% of parking lots are actually used. generates so much heat because of the sun. Essentially, generating heat like an oven and raising temperatures on our planet. The trees, grass and plant life act like a defense against the sun’s UV rays and help keep the planet cooler. In an example. If you stand in a dense forest away from everything. You’ll notice that it’s much cooler than being in a major cities’ downtown. Now, if you take the same principles and stand in the middle of Arizona, there is no grass, barely any trees & is very hot.

The shorter and less dense the grass, trees and plant life, the less protection the surface of the planet has and eventually will dry up and create a desert. A barron dead zone where very little life can survive.

I stand with Greta Thunberg with these three words. Protect, restore & fund. #NatureNow

4 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg. Protect, Restore, Fund. #NatureNow | The Naturist Page

  1. So you are in with exploiting an impaired child to satisfy socialist/Marxist/globalist goals? Her UN speech was a disgusting exhibition, and her parents should be investigated for child abuse. Yes the climate is changing. It has always been changing and always will change long after we are gone? Are humans changing the climate? There is no conclusive evidence. The models are fraught with inaccuracies because we don’t fully understand interactions like oceanic current flows, cloud covering, moisture in the atmosphere, impact of other gasses. We ignore the impact of solar activity. I live and work with climatologists and climate scientists, and the objective ones are the first to admit that the “jury is still out” on whether humans impact the climate.

    If humans are having an impact, they why isn’t China and India being called out instead of Western countries? Maybe because impacting the climate isn’t the objective after all. What will all of this money do? What is proven is that as we increase the standard of living for people, they pollute less. Capitalism has been the best method to increase standards of living. If we are really concerned about the environment and climate, then we should be pushing democracy and capitalism instead of central control and communism.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was quite shocked when I learned that actually, the greatest threat to our planet is over-population. This is what is fuelling our raping of the planet. If every family agrees to have one child less this will make the biggest single impact in our world, whilst of course tackling things like our over-reliance on fossil fuels and increasing our use of renewable energy as an alternative. Much more education is needed on this I think!


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