To Cover or Not to Cover at The Door | The Naturist Page

The Naturist Page

There are many questions about what to do when it comes to getting that knock on the door and to ask yourself — to cover up or just swing the door wide open with nothing but a but smile on. Well, you are free to do it the way you like. However, if you’d like to be a respectful Naturist/Nudist then I would like to take the time and explain in my own opinion the options about this topic.

First you need to weigh out your situation. By that I mean if you live in a neighbourhood where nudism is completely normal. Then why not. But remember, Just don’t go swinging open the door before checking the peek hole or similar. The last thing you want is to open the door to the girl scouts and have them drop their cookies they are selling screaming as they run away disturbed…

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